& Environmental
College of Human Medicine

Hazard Alerts

Work-Related Amputations and Deaths Due To Power Presses in Michigan
Work-Related Amputations Due to Power Saws
Work-Related Amputations in the Food Service Industry
Stop Work-Related Assaults in the Health Care Setting
STOP Work-Related Homicides
Fatal Asthma Attack While Cleaning Bulk Milk Tank
Prevent Work-Related Asthma and Hard Metal Lung Disease from Cobalt Exposure
Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Isocyanate Exposure in Foam-in-Place Process
Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Isocyanate Exposure in SPF-Spray Polyurethane Foam Applications for Insulation in the Construction Industry
Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Styrene Exposure
Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Welding Fumes
Prevent Work-Related Asthma in the Transportation Manufacturing Industry
Food Service Work-Related Burn Injuries in Michigan
Prevent Burns from Hydrofluoric Acid in the Workplace
Work-Related Burns Caused by Cleaning Products
Don't Get Nailed by a Nail Gun
Electrocuted While Welding
Methylene Chloride Causes Death of Three MI Bathtub Refinishers
Temporary Worker Safety - A Shared Responsibility
Trench Cave-Ins Kill
Workers Fatally Struck By Victaulic End Caps During Pressure Testing 
COVID-19 Prevention in Construction
COVID-19 Prevention in Health Care & Social Assistance
COVID-19 Prevention in Manufacturing
COVID-19 Prevention in the Military
COVID-19 Prevention in Public Administration
COVID-19 Prevention in Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities



Work Related Crushing Injuries due to Presses
Pyrotechnician Struck By Firework
Work-Related Deaths from Falls Using Portable Ladders
Falls From Scaffolds Can Be Deadly - Prevention Is Key!
Plan. Provide. Train. Prevent Fall Injuries & Death
Roof Safety - Prevent Fatal Falls
Stop Work-Related Fall Injuries
Stop Fatal Falls in Construction
Work-Related Fatalities & Injuries From Using Ladders in Michigan
Work-Related Hospitalizations From Ice-Related Fall Injuries in Michigan
CA Storage: Respiration Halted for Fruit and People
Farmer Died As Result Of Starting Tractor On Ground
Farm-Related Machinery Entanglements in Michigan
Enredos de maquinaria agricolas en Michigan
Safe Animal Handling to Prevent Farm-Related Injuries and Deaths
Manejo seguro de animales para prevenir lesiones y muertes relacionadas con la granja
Safe Use of Tractors Will Prevent Work-Related Deaths
Muertes y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo causadas por tractores
Slippery Clutch Pedal
Why Bother With A ROPS Retrofit?
Farmers and Trees: Tasks That Can Kill
Arborists Look Up Stay Clear & Stay Secured
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Michigan
Falling Stone Slabs Can Kill
Look for Mobile Equipment Blind Spots
Look Up For Overhead Lines
Work-Related Crushing Injuries Due to Presses
Work-Related Injuries and Fatalities From Forklifts
Suicide in the Workplace: Prevention Opportunities
Work-Related Deaths from Skid Steer Loaders
Muertes y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo causadas por minicargadoras
Motor Vehicles
Injury Prevention Strategies For Older Drivers
Roadside Workers and Traffic Hazards
Work-Related Fatalities While Performing Rim Wheel Servicing
Work-Related Roadway Collisions: Prevention Strategies for Employers