Exposure to over 300 known substances at work can cause Work-Related Asthma and the list continues to grow. Even very low levels of exposure to some of these substances can cause asthma.
Exposure to many other substances at work can be triggers that can make your pre-existing asthma worse.
Asthma from both types of exposures is called Work-Related Asthma.
Talk with a Specialist About Work-Related Asthma
Call Kenneth D. Rosenman, MD
Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Michigan State University
Call +1-800-446-7805
Request More Information
- New asthma from breathing substances in the air at work
- Asthma that gets worse at work
- Wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough

- Substitute with a new chemical
- Minimize exposures
- Have a medical program to identify workers who develop asthma
- Have a policy to accomodate indiviuals with work-related asthma

Discuss Work-Related Asthma With a Doctor
- Does your asthma get better away from work?
- Are there new exposures in your job before your asthma began?
- Is your asthma worse at work?

- Anyone who already has asthma can have asthma triggers at work
- 25-50% of working adults with known asthma have their asthma worsen at their job
- Cleaning products, bleach, smoke, dust, fumes and temperature extremes are some of the things that can cause asthma at work to be worse

Print out the above resources and discuss signs and symptoms of work-related asthma with a primary care doctor today.
Visit our main Asthma page to learn more about work-related asthma and our Michigan-wide asthma surveillance program.