Other Occupational & Environmental Medicine Web Sites
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
- American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM)
- Asthma Initiative of Michigan (AIM)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity - Standards & Legislation
- Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity - Technical Services Division
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NIOSH Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology Surveillance (ABLES)
- NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse
- American Lung Association Infographic: How Lung Friendly is Your Workplace?
Most of the resources listed on this page are in PDF format, which requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in for your web browser. The free plug-in can be downloaded here.
- Abrasive Blasting
- Adult Blood Lead (ABLES)
- Amputations
- Burns
- Carbon Monoxide
- Continuing Medical Education (CME)
- Crushing Injuries
- General Resources
- Heavy Metal Exposures
- Michigan Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (MIFACE) Program
- MIOSHA Checklists
- MSU Peer-Reviewed Publications on Occupational Injury and Illness Surveillance, 2011 - date
- Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
- Pesticide Injury
- School Checklists for Assuring Safe Indoor Air Quality
- Silicosis
- Skull Fractures/ Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Temporary Worker Safety
- Wind and Health
- Work-Related Asthma (WRA)
- Work-Related Hazard Alerts
- Workers' Compensation: Work-Related Illnesses and Injuries (Paid Wage Loss Claims)
- Young Worker Safety and Health Resources
General Resources
- Calendar Year 2023 Disease List: Hospitals must report these illness codes on a quarterly basis.
- Hazard Alert: Stop Work-Related Fall Injuries
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Hospitalizations From Ice-Related Fall Injuries in Michigan
- Michigan Public Health Code (article 5 part 56) including Classification of Occupational Disease Clinicians and employers are required to report known or suspected occupational disease.
- MiTracking - Michigan Environmental Public Health Tracking
- Most Recent Occupational Disease ANNUAL REPORT
- Occupational Disease Data Summary FACT SHEET
- Occupational Disease Reporting Form
- Occupational Safety & Health Resource Guide for Michigan Practitioners
- Project SENSOR (Occupational Surveillance) News: Normal Values for Blood Lead (V12, N2)
- Thirteen Indicators of the Health of Michigan's Workforce (March 2006) & updated June 2013
- Ways to Report Known or Suspected Occupational Disease
- Worker Health Surveillance for Michigan (brochure)
- Work-Related Health Disparities in Michigan
- Work-Related Injury Questionnaire
- 2017-2018 MIOSHA CET Grant Presentations
Abrasive Blasting
- 2024 Snapshot of Abrasive Blasting
- 2024 Tracking Abrasive Blasting with Silica
- Abrasive Blasting Fact Sheet
- Abrasive Blasting Training Materials
- Silica Substitutes for Abrasive Blasting
- Silica Substitutes for Abrasive Blasting, Background, Cost Formula, & Other Details
- Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Abrasive Blasting Materials
- Reducing the Use of Silica for Abrasive Blasting
Adult Blood Lead (ABLES)
- Most Recent Adult Blood Lead ANNUAL REPORT
- Most Recent Adult Blood Lead Data Summary FACT SHEET
- Blood Lead Surveillance for Flint Adults: January 2010 - October 2017
- Working Safely with Lead (brochure)
- Lead Hazards from Casting and Reloading (brochure)
- Lead Safety with Firearms: Lead Hazards at Indoor Firing Ranges (brochure)
- OSHA Fact Sheet - Protecting Workers from Lead Hazards at Indoor Firing Ranges
- OSHA Quick Card - Protecting Workers from Lead Exposure at Indoor Firing Ranges
- Help to Make Your Home and Family Lead-Safe Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- Lead Poisoning – Know the Facts – Protect Your Family Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- For Pregnant & Nursing Persons: Protecting You and Your Child from the Harmful Effects of Lead Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- Take-home Lead: a Preventable Risk for Your Family Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- EPA Lead webpage topics - Learn about Lead, Protect Your Family, Renovate Right for Contractors and Training Providers
- EPA - Lead Abatement Program for Permanent Elimination of Lead-Based Paint
- EPA - Lead Exposure Associated with Renovation and Remodeling Activities
- Lead Free Kids
- FDA warning on Chelation agents
- NIOSH Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES) Program
- Environmental Health Perspectives article on the Heavy Burden of Lead (pdf)
- Management Guidelines for Blood Lead Levels in Adults (pdf) Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Occupational Subcommittee
- Investigation of Childhood Lead Poisoning from Parental Take-Home Exposure from an Electronic Scrap Recycling Facility - Ohio, 2012 (pdf). MMWR July 17, 2015; 64(27):743-745.
- ATSDR Toxicological Profile: LEAD
- MIOSHA Standard: Lead in General Industry (Part 310) (pdf)
- MIOSHA Standard: Lead in Construction (Part 603)
- Adult Lead Exposure - Mailed Survey
- Lead Poisoning Questionnaire
- Guidance for Local Health Departments: Targeted Intervention to Prevent Take-Home Lead
- Flint Water Crisis and Current Updates on Lead (video presentation)
- Blood Lead Surveillance for Flint Adults (2010-2017)
- Most Recent Amputations ANNUAL REPORT
- Amputations Data Summary FACT SHEET
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Information
- Occupational Health Indicator 4: Amputations Reported by Employers
- Occupational Health Indicator 5: Amputations Identified in State Workers’
- Amputations Identified in State Workers’ Compensation Systems
- Evaluation of the Characteristics of Injured Workers and Employer Compliance with OSHA's Reporting Requirement for Work-related Amputations
- Amputation Questionnaire
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Amputations and Deaths Due to Power Presses
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Amputations Due To Power Saws
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Amputations in the Food Service Industry
- Most Recent Burns ANNUAL REPORT
- Burns Data Summary FACT SHEET
- 2020 Burn Injury Summary Report (BISR), previously named the National Burn Repository (NBR) report, REPORT OF DATA FROM 2015-2019
- CDC, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Burns (pdf)
- NIOSH Publication No 2004 – 146, Worker Health Chartbook 2004.Burns can be found in Chapter 2, Nonfatal Injuries, Burns and Scalds, pages 106-112.
- NIOSH, Preventing Worker Deaths and Injuries from Contacting Overhead Power Lines with Metal Ladders
- NIOSH, Workplace Safety and Health Topics, Electrical Safety
- OSHA, Construction eTool, Electrical Incidents
- American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Characteristics of Occupational Burns in Oregon, 2001 - 2006
- Oregon Worker Illness and Injury Prevention Program, Putting Data to Work, Burn Injuries
- Burns Questionnaire
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Burns Caused by Cleaning Products
- Hazard Alert: Food Service Work-Related Burn Injuries in Michigan
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Burns from Hydrofluoric Acid in the Workplace
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Crushing Injuries
Heavy Metals (Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury):
- Most Recent Heavy Metals ANNUAL REPORT
- Heavy Metals Data Summary FACT SHEET
- ATSDR, Toxic Substances Portal, Arsenic
- ATSDR, Toxic Substances Portal, Cadmium
- ATSDR, Toxic Substances Portal, Mercury
- Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) Arsenic in Well Water Fact Sheet
- MDHHS, “Eat Safe Fish” brochure
- MDHHS, Michigan Fish & Game Advisory
- MDHHS, Statewide Mercury Advisory
- MDHHS, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs fact sheet
- MDHHS, Mercury Spills, Vapors and Your Health
- MDHHS, Mercury Poisoning Linked to Use of Lightening Face Cream (California Department of Public Health)
- EGLE, Mercury pollution prevention
- Questionnaires: Arsenic - Cadmium - Mercury
Michigan Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (MIFACE) Program
- Most Recent Farm Data Fact Sheet
- MIFACE Investigation Reports
- MDHHS - Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
- Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration (MIOSHA)
- NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Workplace Safety & Health
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
- National Safety Council
- MIOSHA Fact Sheet Agricultural Industry Confined Space Hazards
- National Education Center for Agricultural Safety
- MSU Extension Products Page
- National Agricultural Safety Database (NASD)
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR)
- Construction Association of Michigan (CAM)
- MIFACE Data Collection Forms
- Stop Construction Falls Campaign
- Laborers' Health and Safety Fund Of North America
- Slow Moving Vehicle Sign (SMV) Public Service Announcement (PSA): 60 Second - 30 Second
- Violence Prevention at Work: A Business Perspective
- Methylene Chloride and Bathtubs: A Dangerous Combination: YouTube digital story describing a work-related incident in which a Michigan bathtub refinisher died while refinishing an apartment bathtub with a stripping product containing methylene chloride.
- Hazard Alert: Safe Animal Handling to Prevent Farm-Related Injuries and Death
- Alerta de peligro: Manejo seguro de animales para prevenir lesiones y muertes relacionadas con la granja
- Hazard Alert: Arborists Look Up, Stay Clear & Stay Secured
- Hazard Alert: Stop Work-Related Assaults in the Health Care Setting
- Hazard Alert: Methylene Chloride Causes Death of Three MI Bathtub Refinishers
- Hazard Alert: CA Storage: Respiration Halted for Fruit and People
- Hazard Alert: Slippery Clutch Pedal
- Hazard Alert: Injury Prevention Strategies for Older Drivers
- Hazard Alert: Plan. Provide. Train. Prevent Fall Injuries & Death
- Hazard Alert: Roof Safety: Prevent Fatal Falls
- Hazard Alert: Stop Work-Related Fall Injuries
- Hazard Alert: Stop Fatal Falls in Construction
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Hospitalizations From Ice-Related Fall Injuries in Michigan
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Fatalities & Injuries From Using Ladders in Michigan
- Hazard Alert: Falls From Scaffolds Can Be Deadly - Prevention is Key!
- Hazard Alert: Farm-Related Machinery Entanglements in Michigan
- Alerta de peligro: Enredos de maquinaria agricolas en Michigan
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Injuries and Fatalities from Forklifts
- Hazard Alert: STOP Work-Related Homicides
- Hazard Alert: Look for Mobile Equipment Blind Spots
- Hazard Alert: Don't Get Nailed by a Nail Gun
- Hazard Alert: Look Up for Overhead Lines
- Hazard Alert: Pyrotechnician Struck by Firework
- Hazard Alert: Why Bother with a ROPS Retrofit?
- Hazard Alert: Safe Use of Tractors Will Prevent Work-Related Deaths
- Alerta de peligro: Muertes y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo causadas por tractores
- Hazard Alert: Farmer Died as a Result of Starting Tractor on Ground
- Hazard Alert: Trench Cave-Ins Kill
- Hazard Alert: Electrocuted While Welding
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Fatalities while Performing Rim Wheel Servicing
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Roadway Collisions: Prevention Strategies for Employers
- Hazard Alert: Roadside Workers and Traffic Hazards
- Hazard Alert: Falling Stone Slabs Can Kill
- Hazard Alert: Farmers and Trees: Tasks That Can Kill
- Hazard Alert: Suicide in the Workplace: Prevention Opportunities
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Deaths and Injuries from Skid Steer Loaders
- Alerta de peligro: Muertes y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo causadas por minicargadoras
- Hazard Alert: Work-Related Deaths from Falls Using Portable Ladders
- Hazard Alert: Workers Fatally Struck By Victaulic End Caps During Pressure Testing
MIOSHA Checklists
- MIOSHA Publications, Posters, Forms & Media
- Supervisors Safety Checklist (CET-0137)
- Workplace Safety Self-Inspection Checklist
- Green Industry Self-Inspection Checklist
- Job Site Safety Checklist
- Workplace Inspection Health Issues Checklist - General Industry
- New Employee Checklist (CET-0208)
- Permit-Required Confined Space (PRCS) Compliance Checklist (CET-5310)
- Doctors/Dentist Office Checklist (CET-5952)
MSU Peer-Reviewed Publications on Occupational Injury and Illness Surveillance, 2011 - date
- Makol A, Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD. Prevalence of Connective Tissue Disease in Silicosis. Am J Ind Med 2011; 54:255-262.
- Banga A, Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD. A Study of the Characteristics of Michigan Workers with Work-Related Asthma from Exposure to Welding Fumes. J Occup Environ Med 2011; 53:415-419.
- Kica J, Rosenman KD. Multi-Source Surveillance System for Work-Related Burns. J Occup Env Med 2012; 54:642-647.
- Chester D, Rosenman KD, Grimes GR, Fagan K, Castillo DN. Fatal Exposure to Methylene Chloride in Bathtub Refinishers - Nine States, 2000-2011. MMWR 2012; 61:119-122.
- Chaumont Menendez C, Castillo DN, Rosenman KD, Harrison RJ, Hendricks S. Evaluation of a Nationally Funded State-based Program to Reduce Fatal Occupational Injuries. Occup Environ Med 2012; 69:810-814.
- Largo TW, Rosenman KD. Michigan Work-related Amputations, 2008. J Occup Env Med 2013; 55:280-285.
- Stanbury M, Rosenman KD. Occupational Health Disparities: A State Public Health-Based Approach. Am J Ind Med 2014; 57:596-604.
- St Louis T, Ehrlich E, Bunn T, Kanotra S, Fussman C, Rosenman KD. Proportion of Dermatitis Attributed to Work Exposures in the Working Population, United States, 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Am J Ind Med 2014; 57:653-659.
- Rosenman KD. Hydraulic Fracturing and the Risk of Silicosis. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine 2014; 21:167-172.
- White GE, Seaman C, Filios MS, Mazurek JM, Flattery J, Harrison RJ, Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD, Lumia ME, Stephens AC, Pechter E, Fitzsimmons K, Davis LK. Gender differences in work-related asthma: surveillance data from California, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Jersey, 1993-2008. J Asthma 2014; 51:691-702.
- Kica J, Rosenman KD. Surveillance for work-related skull fractures in Michigan. J Safety Research 2014; 51:49-56.
- Rosenman KD, Millerick-May M, Reilly MJ, Flattery J, Weinberg J, Harrison RJ, Lumia ME, Stephens AC, Borjan M. Swimmimg facilities and work-related asthma. J Asthma 2014. Published online 26 August 2014. DOI: 10.3109/02770903.2014.950428.
- Largo TW. Rosenman KD. Surveillance of work-related amputations in Michigan using multiple data sources: results for 2006-2012. Occup Environ Med Published Online First 12 November 2014. DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102335.
- Millerick-May M, Reilly MJ, Schrauben S, Rosenman KD. Silicosis and Chronic Renal Disease. Am J Ind Med 2015; 58:730-736.
- Filios MS, Mazurek JM, Schleiff PL, Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD, Lumia ME, Worthington K. Surveillance for Silicosis - Michigan and New Jersey, 2003-2010. MMWR 2015; 62:81-85.
- Leftkowitz D, Pechter E, Lumia M, Stephens A, Fitzsimmons K, Davis L, Flattery J, Weinberg J, Harrison RJ, Reilly MJ, Filios MS, White GE, Rosenman KD. Isocyanates and Work-related Asthma: Findings from California, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Jersey, 1993-2008. Am J Ind Med 2015; 58:1138-1149.
- Kica J, Rosenman KD. Multi-source surveillance for work-related crushing injuries. Am J Ind Med. online: 4 DEC 2017l DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22800
- Rosenman KD. OSHA, Well Past Its Infancy, but Still Learning How to Count Injuries and Illnesses. Am J Ind Med 2016; 59:595-599.
- Wang L, Rosenman KD. Adverse Health Outcomes among Industry Sectors in Michigan: MIBRFSS 2013-2015. Preventing Chronic Disease 2018; 15: 170487. DOI: .
- Reilly MJ, Timmer SJ, Rosenman KD. The Burden of Silicosis in Michigan, 1988-2016. Annals Am Thoracic Society 2018; 15: 1404-1410.
- Kica J, Rosenman KD. Multisource surveillance for non-fatal work-related agricultural injuries. Journal of Agromedicine. 2 May 2019.
- Reilly MJ, Wang L, Rosenman KD. The Burden of Work-Related Asthma in Michigan, 1988-2018. Annals Am Thoracic Soc 2019 Nov 14; DOI:
- Rosenman KD, Reilly MJ, Pechter E, Fitzsimmons K, Flattery J, Weinberg J, Cummings K, Borjan M, Lumia M, Harrison RJ, Dodd K, Schleiff P. Cleaning Products and Work-Related Asthma, 10 Year Update. J Occup Environ Med 2020; 62: 130-137.
- Widyaningsih V, Rosenman KD, Reilly MJ, Wang L, Gardiner JC, Pathak D, Rice C, Monos D, Rossman M. Lack of an Exposure Response and Interaction with HLA-DPβ1 and DRβ1 Polymorphisms in the Development of Beryllium Toxicity in a High Beryllium Exposure Cohort. J Occup Environ Med 2020; 62: 64-73.
- Oliveri A, Rosenman KD, Wang L. Assessing the Accuracy of the Death Certificate Injury at Work Box for Identifying Fatal Occupational Injuries in Michigan. Am J Ind Med 2020; 63: 527-534.
- Al-abcha A, Wang L, Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD. Work-related asthma in cobalt-exposed workers. J Asthma 2021;58:1032-1041. Published on line 2020. Apr 20:1-13
- Rosenman KD, Reilly MJ, Wang L. Calls to a State Poison Center Concerning Cleaners and Disinfectants from the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through April 2020. Pub Health Reps 2021;136:27-31. doi: 10.1177/0033354920962437. Epub 2020 Oct 15.
- Rosenman KD. Deaths from Methylene Chloride Exposure When the Chemicals Used at Home or at Work can Kill. JAMA Internal Med 2021;181:806-807.
- Millerick-May M, Wang L, Rice C, Rosenman KD. Ongoing Risk of Bladder Cancer among Former Workers at the Last Benzidine Manufacturing Facility in the United States. Occup Environ Med 2021 Sep;78(9):625-631.
- Redlich C, Rosenman KD. To be (B Read), or not to be (B read), that is the question: Conflict of Interest and Radiographic Interpretation. Annals Amer Thoracic Society 2021;18:1618–1619.
- Crooks J, Mroz MM, VanDyke M, McGrath A, Schuler C, McCanlies E, Abbas VM, Rosenman KD, Rossman M, Rice C, Monos D, Fingerlin T E, Maier L A. HLA-DPB1 E69 Genotype and Exposure in Beryllium Sensitization and Disease. Occup Environ Med 2021.
- Oliveri A, Fagerstrom L, Wang L, Rosenman KD. A County-Level Program for the Evaluation of the Potential for Take-Home Lead Exposures among Children in Michigan. Public Health Reports 2021.
- TenHarmsel H, Wang L, Rosenman KD. Evaluation of Silicosis, Asthma and COPD among Sand and Gravel and Stone Surface Mine Workers. J Occup Env Med 2021 Oct 28. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000002420.
- Rosenman KD. Perspective on new evidence showing injury under-reporting among precarious workers. Occup Environ Med 2022;79:1-2.
- Rosenman KD, Wang L. Opioid Prescriptions for Individuals receiving Workers’ Compensation in Michigan. PLOS ONE 2022.
- Rasmussen S, Odenigbo C, Wang L, Wolfe A, Rosenman KD. Awareness, Use, and Opinions of Individual Fit Testing of Hearing Protection Devices Among Practicing Michigan Occupational and Environmental Medicine Association (MOEMA) Health Care Providers. JOEM 2023;65:48-52.
- Harduar-Morano L, Rosenman KD. Non-fatal work-related farm injuries occurring to Michigan adults and youths. Journal of Agromedicine 2023 Nov 13. doi:org/10.1080/1059924X.2023.2281530.
- TenHarmsel H, Wang L, Dumas C, Rosenman KD. Mortality among Individuals Diagnosed with Chronic Beryllium Disease and Beryllium Sensitization. JOEM 2023 Dec 19. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003033.
- Reilly, MJ, Wang L, Rosenman KD. Evaluation of the Characteristics of Workers Injured on the Job Requiring Hospitalization and Employer Compliance with OSHA’s Reporting Requirement for these Work-Related Hospitalizations. Am J Ind Med 2023;66:109-121.
- Reilly, MJ, Wang L, Rosenman KD. Evaluation of the Characteristics of Injured Workers and Employer Compliance with OSHA’s Reporting Requirement for Work-Related Amputations. Am J Ind Med 2024;1‐15. doi:10.1002/ajim.23560.
- Reily, MJ, Rosenman KD. Work Related Asthma Mortality 2003-2023. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2025 Feb 28. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003377
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
- Most Recent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss ANNUAL REPORT
- Work-Related Hearing Loss: Q&A for Clinics (brochure)
- Work-Related Hearing Loss: Q&A for Patients (brochure)
- Work-Related Hearing Loss: Auto Repair Workers (brochure)
- Work-Related Hearing Loss: Farmers (brochure)
- Work-Related Hearing Loss: Lawncare Workers (brochure)
- NIDCD (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders)!
- Hearing Loss Reporting
- Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Questionnaire
Pesticide Injury
School Checklists for Assuring Safe Indoor Air Quality
- Environmental Protection Agency: 11 Checklists to engage school staff and other key stakeholders in school inspections and sustaining an indoor air quality (IAQ) management program.
- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI) with support from the New Jersey Department of Education: Safe Schools Manual.
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): Safety Checklist Program for Schools.
Silicosis and Other Lung Diseases
- Most Recent Silicosis ANNUAL REPORT
- Data Summary FACT SHEET on Lung Disease
- Data Summary FACT SHEET on Asbestos-Related Lung Diseases
- Abrasive Blasting Training Materials
- Recommended Medical Screening Protocol for Silica Exposed Workers
- Silicosis Next-of-Kin Questionnaire
- Silicosis Questionnaire
- Abrasive Blasting Fact Sheet
- Silica Substitutes for Abrasive Blasting
- Silica Substitutes for Abrasive Blasting, Background, Cost Formula, & Other Details
- Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Abrasive Blasting Materials
- 2024 Snapshot of Abrasive Blasting
- 2024 Tracking Abrasive Blasting with Silica
Skull Fractures/ Traumatic Brain Injuries
Temporary Worker Safety
- Temporary Employee Safety & Health: Responsibilities of the Temporary Staffing Agency & the Host Employer: Document provides an overview of the shared responsibilities of temporary worker safety and health.
- Safety and Health Resources for Temporary Staffing Agencies in Michigan
- Recommended Practices, Protecting Temporary Workers: OSHA and NIOSH recommended practices for staffing agencies and host employers so that they may better protect temporary workers through mutual cooperation and collaboration. Includes safety and health practices.
- MIOSHA Fact Sheet - Injury & Illness Recordkeeping Requirements for Temporary Workers: MIOSHA Consultation, Education and Training Fact Sheet to assist temporary staffing agencies and host employers in determining which agency should record a temporary worker injury and/or illness.
- Guidelines for Temporary Workers - A Shared Responsibility: MIOSHA educational material provides an overview of responsibilities associated with the safety and health of the temporary workforce.
- Respiratory Protection - OSHA Temporary Worker Initiative
- Noise Exposure and Hearing Conservation - OSHA Temporary Worker Initiative
- Hazard Alert: Temporary Worker Safety - A Shared Responsibility
Wind and Health
- Wind and Health Report Recommended Update of Sample Zoning for Wind Energy Systems.
- Wind Turbines and Health Rosenman, KD. Opinion piece on Page 6 of the November/December 2013 of Michigan Medicine.
Work-Related Asthma (WRA)
- Most Recent Work-Related Asthma ANNUAL REPORT
- Work-Related Asthma Data Summary FACT SHEET
- Work-Related Asthma: What Every Worker Should Know! (brochure)
- Asthma & Cleaning Agents: What You Need To Know (brochure)
- Cleaning and Sanitizing With Bleach At The Workplace: What You Need to Know! - Guidelines for Employees (brochure)
- Occupational Asthma Causing Agents
- Peak Flow Record (modified from the OASYS-2 recording form)
- Recommended Medical Screening Protocol for Workers Exposed to Occupational Allergens
- Recommended Medical Screening Protocol for Workers Exposed to Welding Fumes
- Work-Related Asthma: An Employers Guide (presentation)
- Haz-Map on the National Library of Medicine (relational database of hazardous chemicals and occupational disease)
- Michigan Workforce, 2011: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium, Diethanolamine, Ethylene Oxide, Maleic Anhydride and Methyl Methacrylate
- Michigan Workforce, 2015: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium or Chromium Compounds, Diethanolamine and Ethylene Oxide
- Michigan Workforce, 2017: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium or Chromium Compounds, Diethanolamine and Ethylene Oxide
- Michigan Workforce, 2018: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium or Chromium Compounds, Diethanolamine and Ethylene Oxide
- Michigan Workforce, 2019: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium or Chromium Compounds, Diethanolamine and Ethylene Oxide
- Michigan Workforce, 2020: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium or Chromium Compounds, Diethanolamine and Ethylene Oxide
- Michigan Workforce, 2021: Potential Exposure to Acrylic Acid, Chromium or Chromium Compounds, Diethanolamine and Ethylene Oxide
- AOEC Exposure Code Look-up (List of asthmagens and hazards)
- Work Site Respiratory Symptoms Questionnaire English - Spanish
- Work-Related Asthma Questionnaire
- Do You Have Work-Related Asthma? - A Guide for you and Your Doctor. This OSHA Work-Related Asthma Fact Sheet provides helpful information for employees and their doctors about work-related asthma. While this document uses isocyanates as the main example of a workplace exposure than can cause work-related asthma, the guidance provided in this fact sheet applies to ANY type of exposure in the workplace that can lead to the development of work-related asthma.
- An Employer's Guide on Preventing Occupational Asthma: This sheet tells you about the symptoms and effects of occupational asthma and how you can protect your employees from exposure to respiratory sensitizers.
- How Lung-Friendly is Your Workplace?
- Work-exacerbated Asthma
- Air Fresheners, Essential Oils, Fragrances, and Work Related Asthma
- Environmental and Work Exposures - Asthma Initiative of Michigan
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Isocyanate Exposure in Foam-in-Place Processe
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Isocyanate Exposure in SPF- Spray Polyurethane Foam Applications for Insulation in the ConstructionIndustry
- Hazard Alert: Fatal Asthma Attack While Cleaing Bulk Milk Tank
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Work-Related Asthma in the Transportation Manufacturing Industry
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Work-Related Asthma From Welding Fume
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Work-Related Asthma from Styrene Exposure
- Hazard Alert: Prevent Work-Related Asthma and Hard Metal Lung Disease from Cobalt Exposure
Workers' Compensation: Work-Related Illnesses and Injuries (Paid Wage Loss Claims)
- What is Worker Compensation?
- MDHHS - Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
- Preparing Work-Related Injuries and Illness Data for MiTracking
- Opioid Prescriptions for Individuals Receiving Workers' Compensation in Michigan
- Workers Compensation Claims in Michigan For COVID-19
- FTE Ratio Calculator (xls)
- FTE Ratio Calculator 3 Digit NAICS (xls)
- MSU_WC_SQL_Scripts (zip)
- Use of Michigan Workers' Compensation Data for Surveillance of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Young Workers Safety and Health Resources
- NIOSH Young Worker Safety and Health Teacher Resources
- Working Youth: Michigan's Occupational Teen Injuries - This document reviews 1,940 injuries to teens, ages 14-17, who were injured at work in Michigan from 2001 to 2013, including 13 teens who died as a result of their job.
- Working Youth: Occupational Injuries among Michigan's Teens - This document reviews 1,501 injuries to teens, ages 14-17, who were injured at work in Michigan from 2014 to 2017, including five teens who died as a result of their job.
- Working Youth: Occupational Injuries among Michigan Teens - This document reviews 2723 injuries to teens ages 14-17, who were injured at work in Michigan from 2018-2023.