& Environmental
College of Human Medicine


MiFACE CASE ID Description of MiFACE Report
01MI001 Operator pinned between the hydraulic tilt cylinder housing and the frame of a skid-steer loader
02MI075 Landscape Mowing Assistant Dies From Heat Stroke
05MI046 Lawn Technician Dies When Pinned Between Motorized Spreader Handles and Roof of Work Van
05MI095 Municipal Tree Trimmer Dies When Falling Tree Limb Struck Him
06MI204 Security Guard Died As A Result of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
07MI079 Housekeeper Died From Complications Sustained After Falling Down Residential Stairs
08MI005 Roll-Off Container Truck Driver Electrocuted When Raised Tilt Frame Contacted Overhead Line
09MI163 Tree Trimmer Working in Tree Died When a Tree Branch Supporting Rigging Rope Broke Below the Crotch and Struck His Head
12MI033 Handyman Died When Tree He Was Felling Split Vertically and Struck Him
12MI069 Business Owner Killed When Pulled Into Wood Chipper
13MI043 Truck Driver Crushed By Roll Off Scrap Metal Box During Unloading From Truck